Business Travel Letters used as Travel Evidence

The letter (addressed to the US Department of State) must state the following:
Name of passport applicant
Country of travel
The purpose and urgent nature of the trip
Specific date of international travel departing with 14 days
The letter must be on Company Letterhead
It must be signed by an official other than yourself


Sample Letter



New York Passport Agency
US Department of State
376 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to introduce our employee Mr. John Smith, who plans to travel to China shortly on business. Mr. Smith plans to depart for China on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 (Note: This date must be within 14 days from now.). We appreciate your kind assistance in getting his passport processed as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely


It must be signed by an official other than yourself